# Carts

# Overview

Carts are a collection of products (or other custom purchasable types) that you would like to order. Carts belong to Users (which relate to Customers).


Cart prices are dynamically calculated and are not stored (unlike Orders).

# Carts

Field Description
id Unique ID for the cart.
user_id Can be null for guest users.
merged_id If a cart was merged with another cart, it defines the cart it was merged into.
currency_id Carts can only be for a single currency.
coupon_code Can be null, stores a promotional coupon code, e.g. SALE20.
updated_at When an order was created from the basket, via a checkout.
meta JSON data for saving any custom information.

# Creating a cart

$cart = \Lunar\Models\Cart::create([
    'currency_id' => 1,
    'channel_id' => 2,

# Cart Lines

Field Description
purchasable_type e.g. Lunar\Models\ProductVariant.
meta JSON data for saving any custom information.
$cartLine = new \Lunar\Models\CartLine([
    'cart_id' => 1,
    'purchasable_type' => ProductVariant::class,
    'purchasable_id' => 123,
    'quantity' => 2,
    'meta' => [
        'personalization' => 'Love you mum xxx',

// Or you can use the relationship on the cart.
$cart->lines()->create([/* .. */]);

Now you have a basic Cart up and running, it's time to show you how you would use the cart manager to get all the calculated totals and tax.

We've also tried to make Carts extendable as much as possible so, depending on what your stores requirements are, you are free to chop and change things as much as you need to.

# The Cart Manager

$cart = $cart->getManager()->getCart();

This will return a "hydrated" version of your cart with the following:


All values will return a Lunar\Datatypes\Price object. So you have access to the following: value, formatted, decimal

$cart->total; // The total price value for the cart
$cart->subTotal; // The cart sub total, excluding tax
$cart->taxAmount; // The monetary value for the amount of tax applied.
$cart->discountTotal; // The monetary value for the discount total.
$cart->taxBreakdown; // This is a collection of all taxes applied across all lines.

foreach ($cart->taxBreakdown as $taxRate) {

Each CartLine has access to the same properties as a Cart does.

# Modifying Carts

If you need to programmatically change the Cart values, e.g. custom discounts or prices, you will want to extend the Cart.

You can find out more in the Extending Lunar section for Cart Modifiers.

# Calculating Tax

During the cart's lifetime, it's unlikely you will have access to any address information, which can be a pain when you want to accurately display the amount of tax applied to the basket. Moreover, some countries don't even show tax until they reach the checkout. We've tried to make this as easy and extendable as possible for you as the developer to build your store.

When you calculate the cart totals, you will be able to set the billing and/or shipping address on the cart, which will then be used when we calculate which tax breakdowns should be applied.

$shippingAddress = [
    'country_id' => null,
    'title' => null,
    'first_name' => null,
    'last_name' => null,
    'company_name' => null,
    'line_one' => null,
    'line_two' => null,
    'line_three' => null,
    'city' => null,
    'state' => null,
    'postcode' => 'H0H 0H0',
    'delivery_instructions' => null,
    'contact_email' => null,
    'contact_phone' => null,
    'meta' => null,

$billingAddress = /** .. */;


You can also pass through a \Lunar\Models\Address model, or even another \Lunar\Models\CartAddress

$shippingAddress = \Lunar\Models\Address::first();



# Cart Session Manager


The cart session manager is useful if you're building a traditional Laravel storefront which makes use of sessions.

When building a store, you're going to want an easy way to fetch the cart for the current user (or guest user) by retrieving it from their current session. Lunar provides an easy to use class to make this easier for you, so you don't have to keep reinventing the wheel.

# Available config

Configuration for your cart is handled in lunar/cart.php

Field Description Default
session_key What key to use when storing the cart id in the session lunar_cart
auto_create If no current basket exists, should we create one in the database? false
auth_policy When a user logs in, how should we handle merging of the basket? merge
eager_load Which relationships should be eager loaded by default when calculating the cart totals

# Getting the cart session instance

You can either use the facade or inject the CartSession into your code.

$cart = \Lunar\Facades\CartSession::current();

public function __construct(
    protected \Lunar\Base\CartSessionInterface $cartSession
) {
    // ...

# Fetching the current cart

$cart = \Lunar\Facades\CartSession::current();

When you call current, you have two options, you either return null if they don't have a cart, or you want to create one straight away. By default, we do not create them initially as this could lead to a ton of cart models being created for no good reason. If you want to enable this functionality, you can adjust the config in lunar/cart.php

# Forgetting the cart


# Using a specific cart

You may want to manually specify which cart should be used for the session.

$cart = \Lunar\Models\Cart::first();

The other available methods are as follows:

# Get the current CartManager for the cart.


# Add a cart line

CartSession::add($purchasable, $quantity);

# Add multiple lines

        'id' => 1,
        'quantity' => 25,
        'meta' => ['foo' => 'bar'],
    // ...

Accepts a collection or an array

# Update a single line

CartSession::updateLine($cartLineId, $quantity, $meta);

# Update multiple lines

        'id' => 1,
        'quantity' => 25,
        'meta' => ['foo' => 'bar'],
    // ...

# Remove a line


# Clear a cart

This will remove all lines from the cart.


# Associating a cart to a user

You can easily associate a cart to a user.

$cart = \Lunar\Models\Cart::first();
CartSession::associate($cart, $user, 'merge');

# Adding shipping/billing address

As outlined above, you can add shipping / billing addresses to the cart using the following methods:

    'first_name' => null,
    'last_name' => null,
    'line_one' => null,
    'line_two' => null,
    'line_three' => null,
    'city' => null,
    'state' => null,
    'postcode' => null,
    'country_id' => null,
    'first_name' => null,
    'last_name' => null,
    'line_one' => null,
    'line_two' => null,
    'line_three' => null,
    'city' => null,
    'state' => null,
    'postcode' => null,
    'country_id' => null,

You can easily retrieve these addresses by accessing the appropriate property:


# Handling User Login

When a user logs in, you will likely want to check if they have a cart associated to their account and use that, or if they have started a cart as a guest and logged in, you will likely want to be able to handle this. Lunar takes the pain out of this by listening to the authentication events and responding automatically by associating any previous guest cart they may have had and, depending on your auth_policy merge or override the basket on their account.